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Visual Basic

Visual Basic Programmer for Pitching Machine

Tue, 2024-11-12 12:37
I'm looking for a programmer skilled in Visual Basic to modify and extend my existing program for a baseball pitching machine. Key Modifications: - Enhance the user interface, specifically focusing on... (Budget: $25 - $50 USD, Jobs: .NET, C++ Programming, Software Architecture, VB.NET, Visual Basic)

Excel Macro Repair & Creation Expert Needed

Tue, 2024-11-12 09:56
I am seeking a freelancer with strong Visual Basic and Excel skills to help with my event management spreadsheet. We manage corporate meetings and our spreadsheet tracks a range of details for each event... (Budget: min $50 CAD, Jobs: Excel, Visual Basic)

Automated solution to OCR scan tables into columns

Tue, 2024-11-12 09:01
Develeop an AUTOMATED solution to OCR scan pages that include tables and extract the data from them in to columns. The columns are;  Name, adress - Å - Då - RK - BA - Lön - Kapital - Postcode - Muncipality. ... (Budget: $30 - $250 USD, Jobs: Artificial Intelligence, Data Processing, OCR, Visual Basic)

Scientific Fortran Code to Excel VBA Conversion

Tue, 2024-11-12 07:58
I need a skilled programmer to convert my Fortran code, which is primarily used for scientific calculations, into VBA. The VBA code should run seamlessly in Excel and must maintain the exact same functionality as the original Fortran code... (Budget: $1500 - $3000 USD, Jobs: Excel, Fortran, VB.NET, Visual Basic, Visual Basic for Apps)

SAP Auto-Login & Password Change VBA Expert

Tue, 2024-11-12 04:45
I'm seeking a skilled VBA developer with experience in SAP automation. My current scripts handle executing specific transactions, but I need assistance with: - Automating the login process with credentials... (Budget: €18 - €36 EUR, Jobs: Excel, Microsoft Access, SAP, Visual Basic, Visual Basic for Apps)

Perdagangan makanan

Mon, 2024-11-11 16:33
Menjual produk makanan ringan. Buat menemani ngopi dari pagi sampai malam (Budget: $2 - $8 USD, Jobs: Adobe Flash, Visual Basic)

Expert Excel Data Entry Specialist Needed

Mon, 2024-11-11 11:13
Name: Suraj Title : Experienced Excel Data Entry Specialist Summary: Highly skilled and efficient Excel data entry specialist with 5 years of experience in accuracy and efficiently managing data entry tasks... (Budget: ₹12500 - ₹37500 INR, Jobs: Data Entry, Data Mining, Data Processing, Excel, Visual Basic)

PowerBI Expert Needed for Pareto Chart

Mon, 2024-11-11 10:25
I'm seeking a skilled PowerBI professional to create a Pareto analysis chart for me. The data will be sourced from Excel spreadsheets and the primary purpose of the chart is to help analyze defects or errors... (Budget: $10 - $30 CAD, Jobs: Data Entry, Data Processing, Excel, Statistics, Visual Basic)

Excel File Management: Hiding Rows by Dates

Mon, 2024-11-11 08:16
I need assistance with an Excel file that requires certain operations based on admin input. Key Requirements: - Specific rows need to be hidden. - The rows should be hidden based on a range of dates... (Budget: ₹1500 - ₹12500 INR, Jobs: Excel, Visual Basic)

Visual Basic and an API Connection

Mon, 2024-11-11 01:21
I am using a Visual Basic GUI. The spreadsheet is used for trading Index Options. I am using Interactive Brokers Trading Software. It is static at present meaning there are no live prices being imported... (Budget: ₹1500 - ₹12500 INR, Jobs: C# Programming, PHP, Software Architecture, VB.NET, Visual Basic)

Tweetbig - Twitter Rocket Fuel

The Greatest Web-based Twitter Software. Tweetbig Is Like Rocket Fuel For Your Twitter Account. You Can Manage Multiple Accounts, Schedule Tweets, Post From Rss Feeds, And Find The Fastest Path To More Followers With Our Keyword And User Gathering Tools more...